The Clarence E. Smith Award is presented to the outstanding sales representative by the MSRC Board of Directors in recognition of service to the respiratory care profession. The respiratory care profession has long recognized the support of our vendors. Vendor representatives serve on the Program and Education Committee. They provide in-service education to departments when new equipment is introduced to the clinical setting or when there is a new application of existing equipment. Equipment manufacturers, through the assistance of local representatives, provide equipment for respiratory therapists to use in research projects. When the educational programs in Massachusetts were in their start-up phase, Clarence E. Smith supported the labs by donating equipment and supplies. In recognition of his significant support, the former Holliston Junior College honored him by establishing the Clarence E. Smith Respiratory Therapy Laboratory. Clarence E. Smith exemplified the role of vendors in the multifaceted support of respiratory care by the manufacturing community. The Clarence E. Smith Award has been given annually since 1975 to recognize the memory of this individual who epitomized the symbiotic relationship between clinicians and vendors.


  1. Candidates may be nominated by any Active Member of the AARC/MSRC.
  2. Nominations must be accompanied by description supporting the nomination.
  3. The MSRC Board of Directors will evaluate each candidate and select the award recipient based on his/her service to the respiratory therapy profession.
  4. The award will be presented at the MSRC Annual Meeting.