The Massachusetts Society for Respiratory Care is excited to celebrate a great achievement, the 40th Annual Conference! For the last 40 years the MSRC has gathered the best speakers to provide some of the best education, cutting edge science, and disease best practices. This year is no different! This will be a celebration worth going to, so keep an eye out for an invitation to be part of this celebration.


Submission for 2017 MSRC Conference Are Now Open

The MSRC is now accepting submissions for speakers for our conference. Topic can include all topics of respiratory care and we look for topics that include acute care, neonatal/pediatric care, homecare, diagnostic testing, and technologies use. If you do not know of a person who would be interested in speaking, how about a topic that you would want to hear. You can send us your topic suggestions and we can look for the best professional to bring that topic to the conference in 2017.